Wednesday, September 30, 2009 labour bureau | labour bureau | labour bureau labour bureau nic labour bureau chandigarh labour welfare bureau

Address :
Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India,
SCO 28-31, Sector 17-A,CHANDIGARH-160017, INDIA.
Phone : 91-172-2703038, 2702974,
FAX : 91-172-2703961, 2704611
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Labour Bureau Main Page , Economic Development and Labour Bureau , Labour Bureau: Latest News, Photos and Videos , Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) , Labour Bureau Govt of India - , Labour Bureau Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment ,

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The Economic Development and Labour Bureau headed by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, was responsible for economic development and labour issues in the Hong Kong Government.

It was abolished on 1 July 2007, with its functions transferred to the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Transport and Housing Bureau and Labour and Welfare Bureau.

Before the Principal Officials Accountability System was introduced on 1 July 2002, it was known Economic Services Bureau. Responsibilities with labour issues were then the portfolio of the former Education and Manpower Bureau.

Labour Bureau, India is responsible for the collation, collection and publication of statistics and related information on wages, earnings, productivity, absenteeism, labour turn-over, industrial relations, working and living conditions and evaluation of working of various labour enactments etc.

Visit for information about labour acts, statistics released by the Labour Bureau.

Tagged: labour bureau statistics, labour bureau index, labour bureau cpi, labour bureau india

Labour Bureau, Goverment of India
Ministry of Labour and Employment
SCO 28-31, Sector 17-A,CHANDIGARH-160017, INDIA.

Phone : 91-172-2703038, 2702974,
FAX : 91-172-2703961, 2704611
Website : [link]

Labour Bureau Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India (January to March, 2009) – Summary findings


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