Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Doodle4Google india Doodle 4 Google

Doodle 4 Google

Google is giving a best opportunity to the school youngsters to show off their talent.

They are looking for the most creative child who can show his/her creative work on the Google India home page for a Whole Day.

google giving a chance to design a doodle , through our doodle competition, Doodle 4 Google.

This compitition is upto 1st standard to 10th standard students.then chance to doodle be displayed on the Google India homepage.

Best doodlls will be judges by public ad jugdes.

Winner can win laptop and a technology grant for their school

Doodle 4 Google - My India, Doodle 4 Google India, Doodle 4 Google

Google has special logos, called Google Doodles.

Group arranged : 1st Group Doodle 4 Google
1st, 2nd and 3rd standards;

2nd Group Doodle 4 Google

4th, 5th, and 6th standards;

Third Group Doodle 4 Google

7th, 8th, 9th and 10th standards.

Around 600 best Doodle 4 Google will be selected across the India from the Three Doodle 4 Google Groups.

And From them around 46 Semi-Finalists will be selected for Doodle 4 Google and Doodle 4 Google will be invited to be there on the final awards ceremony in November 2009 with their teachers or parents. Doodle 4 Google put forward the details over official page about the Judging and Prize information.

Tags : Doodle4Google india - 2009 competition - Doodle4Google , Doodle 4 Google India -Designing Logo's for Google India contest , Competition Exam: Doodle 4 Google - My India Competition , Doodle4Google india is searching for indian talents , Tags: doodle 4 google, google doodles, google india news, Google News, my india


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