dgft.delhi.nic.in DGFT delhi DGFT.delhi.nic.in website DGFT.gov.in
Tags : DGFT foreign trade , DGFT Regional Offices , DGFT Digital Certificate , DGFT.gov.in
Directorate General of FOreign Trade is also called as DGFT.
DGFT annouced the Annual Supplement 2010-2011 to the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 you can find out all information of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 on the main official website of DGFFT : dgft.delhi.nic.in.Also Offline mode Facility for DES and EPCG Schemes has been introduced.
Please visit given URL for getting the information of Digital Certificate : Link
DGFT Regional Offices
DGFT.gov.in Mumbai
DGFT.gov.in New Delhi (CLA)
DGFT.gov.in Ludhiana
DGFT.gov.in Ahmedabad
dgft.delhi.nic.in Pune
Find out Foreign Trade Policy 2010-11 , Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 : Link
ECOM Application
FInd out License Status at DGFT Link
ITC(HS) Schedule 1 (Import)
ITC(HS) Schedule 2 (Export)
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ReplyDeleteDGFT entrusted with the responsibility of implementing various policies regarding trade for example, Foreign Trade Policy. It is the licensing authority for exporters, importers, and export and import business. It can prohibit, restrict and regulate exports and imports.
ReplyDeleteDGFT is Licensing Authority