Wednesday, March 2, 2011

anna university of technology chennai annatech results

anna university of technology chennai annatech results

Anna university announced the UG and PG results 2011 on the main official website of anna university. In this portal Student can online results of PG and UG results 2011 which has been announced on the main official website

Please visit given below URLs for getting the all innformation of annatech results

Results for UG/PG Examinations Nov/Dec-2010 and Jan-2011 :
anna university of technology chennai results 2011 :

If you are looking for Ph.D. , M.Tech and M.s Research Synopsis/Thesis Status then please visit annauniv chennai website
direct link
DODE Revised Schedule for March 2011 Examinations :

Schedule for Revaluation / Revaluation cum photocopy of Nov-10/Dec-10 & Jan-11 Examinations
Last Date for applying revaluation / revaluation cum photo copy of valued answer scripts by the candidate through on-line ( ) On or before 28-02-2011 by 5.00 p.m
Last date for on-line fee approval by EMS Coordinator and final approval by the principal On or before 01-03-2011 by 5.00 p.m
Last date for submission of applications with necessary fees to the office of the Controller of Examinations by the institutions On or before 03-03-2011 by 5.00 p.m

Student can get other results as well on the main official website of anna university of technology please visit :

For all these results students need to enter the registration number for getting the annatech results.

For any query or concern you can directly comments in this portal related to anna university of technology chennai we will try to answer your query in this portal.
More Information : Link


  1. anna tech ac resultsMarch 2, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    Dear Sir, I am not able to open anna tech ac result index website. And this website seems to be very slow and not showing results.

    Could you please tell anna tech ac result UG results from where i can get this? not opening

  2. Dear Sir,i am not able to see the results of Pg,can you please help me.

  3. sir, i want to view my BE 1st sem exam results announced on 2nd march 2011

  4. sir...i cleared through revaluation...but i coudnt get dat 1st sem revaluation result link....what shall i do..?? i need very urgently...sir!!

  5. i want 2 know the time table for 3rd sem b.e(ece)

  6. Respected Sir,could you please tell when will the results......

  7. Respected Sir,could you plese tell when will the results......

  8. When 3rd sem revaluation result

  9. when the 3 semester results will publish

  10. Before 15th of march.......

  11. Hello Sir,
    When will the 3rd semester revaluation results for nov/dec 2011 get announced?
